Anand, P, Ferrer, B, Gao, Q, Nagales, R., Unterhalter, E. (2020). ) COVID-19 as a Capability Crisis: Using the Capability Framework to Understand Policy Challenges. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 21 (3), pp. 293-299
Unterhalter, E, Robinson, L, Ron Balsera, M. (2020). The politics, policies and practices of intersectionality: Making gender equality inclusive in and through education. Background paper prepared for the Global Education Monitoring Report Gender Report A New Generation: 25 years of efforts for gender equality in education. Paris: UNESCO.
Unterhalter, E. (2020). ‘An other self? Education, foreignness, reflexive comparison and capability as connection’, Comparative Education, Vol. 56(1)
Unterhalter, E., (2019). Negative Capability? Measuring the unmeasurable in education. In Unterhalter, E. (ed) Measuring the unmeasurable in education. (pp. 1-16). Abingdon: Routledge
Unterhalter, E., Robinson, L. (2020). Precise evasions: PPPs, aid and education. In Gideon, J, Unterhalter, E (Ed.), Critical reflections on public private partnerships. (pp. 98-114). Abingdon: Routledge
North, A. and Longlands, H. (2019). ‘Gender, poverty and educational equality’, in M.J. Schuelke, C. Johnstone, G. Thomas and A. Artiles (eds.), The SAGE handbook of inclusion and diversity in education. London: Sage.
Unterhalter, E. (2019) The many meanings of quality education: politics of targets and indicators in SDG4’. Global Policy. Vol. 9, 39-51.
Unterhalter, E. (2019) ‘Balancing pessimism of the intellect and optimism of the will: Some reflections on the capability approach, gender, empowerment, and education’ in D. Clark, A. Frediani and M. Biggeri (eds.), The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation: Concepts, Methods and Applications. London: Palgrave (pp.75-100).
Unterhalter, E. (2019). ‘Articulation and a theorisation of educational change: Reflections on Harold Wolpe’s work on South Africa’ in J. Reynolds, B. Fine and R. van Niekerk (eds.), Race, class and the post-apartheid democratic state. Durban: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press (pp.213-240).
Peppin Vaughan, R. (2019). ‘Global campaigns for girls’ and women’s education, 2000–2017: insights from transnational social movement theory’, Comparative Education, Vol. 55(4): 494-516.
Unterhalter E, Parkes J, Howell C. (2019). Achieving Gender Equality in and Through Education. Washington DC: Global Partnership for Education.
Unterhalter, E., North, A. and Ward, O., 2018, ‘Accountability for gender equality’. Background paper for the 2018 Global Education Monitor Gender Review. Paris: UNESCO
Unterhalter, E. ed. 2018, Measuring the unmeasurable in education Abingdon: Taylor and Francis
Unterhalter, E, (2018). Silences, stereotypes and local selection: Reflections for the SDGs on some experiences with the MDGs and EFA. In Verger, A, Novelli, M, Altinyelken, H (Ed.), Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies . (pp. 75-96). London:Bloomsbury
Blogs & Opinion Pieces
Longlands, H. (2021) What do we mean by gender equality in education, and how can we measure it? Centre for Education and International Development (CEID) Blog Series, University College London
Unterhalter, E. (2021) Covid-19’s impact on girls’ access to education, Centre for Education and International Development (CEID) Blog Series, University College London
Simpson, J, Mitra, S, Unterhalter, E., Drydyk, J. (2020). ‘ Stop obsessing about GDP when talking about the pandemic recovery’. New York: Business Insider.
Unterhalter, E. (2020) Whose tomorrow? Six ideas for education in a different world’. Centre for Education and International Development (CEID) Blog Series, University College London
Unterhalter, E, (2020). Joined up action needed: Gender and Schooling in the Time of COVID 19. Brussels: Education International.
Unterhalter, E., Bella, N., and Davies, J. (2019). Making gender equality a reality in education: what will it take? Washington: Global Partnership for Education, Blog Post.
Jere, C.M. (2019) Beyond numbers: achieving gender equality in education, UKFIET Blog Post
- World Education Research Association (WERA) Congress, Cape Town, 3rd – 5th August 2018
- Accountability for gender equality in education: can we use an indicator framework for the SDGs to take forward social justice concerns?
- Elaine Unterhalter, Relebohile Moletsane and Helen Longlands
- The Impact Initiative/DFID: ‘Raising Learning Outcomes’ Africa Symposium, Johannesburg, 12th-14th September 2018
- Measuring gender equality in education in Malawi: Access, accountability and ambition
- Dorothy Nampota, Elaine Unterhalter and Catherine M. Jere
- Human Development and Capabilities Association (HDCA) Conference, Buenos Aires, 30th August – 1stSeptember 2018
- Capabilities, Distributive Justice, Education Systems and Assessments of Gender Inequality in Education
- Elaine Unterhalter and Rosie Peppin Vaughan
- British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Conference 2018: Comparative Education and Development Alternatives – Critiques, innovations and transitions, York, 12th-14th September 2018
- Accountability for gender equality in education: developing an innovative indicator framework for the SDGs
- Elaine Unterhalter, Rosie Peppin Vaughan and Helen Longlands
- Sustainability and Development Conference in collaboration with World Development journal, Michigan, 9th-11th November 2018
- The many meanings of measuring quality education: politics, targets and indicators in SDG4
- Elaine Unterhalter
- Gender and Education Association (GEA) Conference, University of Newcastle, Australia, 9th-12th December 2018
- Accountability for gender equality in education: developing an indicator framework – the role of civil society
- Elaine Unterhalter and Helen Longlands
- HDCA 2019 Conference: ‘Connecting Capabilities’, UCL Institute of Education, London, 9th-11th September
- Unterhalter, E., Peppin Vaughan, R. and Longlands, H. (2019). Gender equality and educational capabilities: challenges and opportunities in constructing an indicator framework, paper presented as part of the ‘Measuring capabilities: gender and indicators’ panel session.
- UKFIET Conference 2019, University of Oxford, 17th-19th September. Unterhalter, E., Peppin Vaughan, R. and Jere, C. (2019). Gender and educational capabilities: challenges and opportunities in constructing an indicator framework – reflections from Malawi.
- 2019 Africanist Perspectives on Gender Justice and Equality Conference, Chancellor College, Malawi, 21st March. Unterhalter, E., Nampota, D. and Jere, C. (2019). Beyond Parity: Measuring Gender Equality in Education in Malawi – Accountability for Gender Equality in Education (AGEE).
- NOCIES Conference 2019, Stockholm University, 9th-11th October.
- Unterhalter, E. and Longlands, H. (2019). Gender equality, accountability and educational capabilities: challenges and opportunities in constructing an indicator framework – reflections from South Africa.
- SAERA Conference 2019, Durban, 23rd-25th October.
- Unterhalter, E., Moletsane, R., Longlands, H. (2019) ‘, Gender equality in Education: transforming accountability for the SDGs’.
- UNESCO IIEP Information Session, 11th June 2020 (online)
- ‘Accountability frameworks for gender equality in and through education’, Elaine Unterhalter, Helen Longlands, and Rosie Peppin Vaughan
- International Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association, 30th June-2nd July 2020, Auckland (online). ‘Accountability for gender equality in education under conditions of climate crisis’, Elaine Unterhalter and Rosie Peppin Vaughan.
- Unterhalter, E., 2021, ‘The politics, policies and practices of intersectionality: Making gender equality inclusive in and through education’. Paper presented at CIES conference, 26 April 2021 (panel convened by UNESCO GEM report team)
- Unterhalter, E. 2021, ‘What do we talk about when we talk about children, poverty, and education?’ Paper presented at PESGB seminar/webinar, 13 May 2021
- Unterhalter, E., 2021, ‘Gender equality and girls’ education. Key challenges and opportunities’ Presentation to Forum organised by Forum for Global Challenges, University of Birmingham, 18 May 2021