Accountability for Gender Equality in Education
Unterhalter, E., Longlands, H. and Peppin Vaughan, R. (2022). Missing Education Data: Gender, Data and Measurement. NORRAG Blog.
Longlands, H. (2021). What do we mean by gender equality in education, and how can we measure it? Centre for Education and International Development (CEID) Blog Series, University College London
Unterhalter, E. (2021). Covid-19’s impact on girls’ access to education, Centre for Education and International Development (CEID) Blog Series, University College London
Simpson, J, Mitra, S, Unterhalter, E., Drydyk, J. (2020). ‘ Stop obsessing about GDP when talking about the pandemic recovery’. New York: Business Insider.
Unterhalter, E. (2020). Whose tomorrow? Six ideas for education in a different world’. Centre for Education and International Development (CEID) Blog Series, University College London
Unterhalter, E, (2020). Joined up action needed: Gender and Schooling in the Time of COVID 19. Brussels: Education International.
Unterhalter, E., Bella, N., and Davies, J. (2019). Making gender equality a reality in education: what will it take? Washington: Global Partnership for Education, Blog Post.
Jere, C.M. (2019). Beyond numbers: achieving gender equality in education, UKFIET Blog Post